• F.I.R.E,  Navel Gazing

    What Motivates a F.I.R.E. Guy?

    Bored at work? Have a dream? Looking for leisure? Just want to try something new? Maybe it’s all of the above. Your motivation for digging into early retirement doesn’t have to be pure or simple, and you don’t necessarily have to wait till you are financially independent. The Cubicle Conundrum The standard outsiders view of the F.I.R.E. community tends to boil down to escaping the rat race. If you are dissatisfied at work you might dream of the day you can just walk away. This may be a motivator for many early retirement dreamers, but I don’t think it’s the only one. It may not even be the most important.…

  • F.I.R.E,  Navel Gazing

    One Weird Trick to Double your Stock Market returns!

    That’s right, I have the secret trick that will double your returns. It’s not clickbait, it’s not a scam, and I’m not going to make you wait till the bottom of the article to find out what it is. Here is the secret that the entire mutual fund industry has been fighting for over forty years. Do Nothing! Just buy and hold. You heard me. Do nothing. Don’t sell when the market is high, don’t sell during a market crash to limit losses, don’t buy when the market is low, don’t keep a reserve of cash to use when stocks are on sale, just buy an index fund and hold…

  • F.I.R.E,  Navel Gazing

    Triple Your Food Budget!

    There are a lot of naysayers in the personal finance space that scoff at the idea of giving up your $5 cup of coffee to build financial security. The $5 coffee seems to be the target of many F.I.R.E. bloggers. Why do we spend so much time on such a small thing? Because small things add up to big things! What does $5 get you? The $5 coffee or $5 breakfast sandwich adds up to about $100 per month if you are only buying during workdays. Since we are talking about retirement here the opportunity cost of the $5 is about that much less you can invest. Now of course…

  • Navel Gazing

    Level up your life

    How to make time to exercise, and level up your life. The conundrum Every once in a while I think, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I had time to exercise.” I can make time on an infrequent basis to get a workout done after work, but more often than not, something comes up and the workout gets shelved. So how do you make time when you don’t have time? The solution For me the solution was to turn my commute into my workout. I began cycling to work. Fans of the F.I.R.E. movement will have already heard the financial arguments for cycling. If you can do away with most of…